Wednesday 17 March 2010

A-Z is Best!

As you know, music is pretty important to me! I can't imagine my life without it. There are plenty of cliches about music but for me it really is 'my first love and it will be my last'. I love the fact that a song or piece of music can match or change your mood accordingly. I love the fact that music can speak to people in so many different ways. I love the fact that music can help you escape. Music has helped me through some dark times in my life and it's been there for some of the happiest. I LOVE MUSIC!!!

My mate Warlock is currently writing a blog about the greatest albums ( He has got some real gems on there and many of them have a special place in my own carefully ordered A-Z collection. But what's great about reading his blog is the way it opens up new music and albums to the readers.

Just the other day I read his blog about Joni Mitchell. This is a woman whose voice I have always admired but have been rather scathing about her actual material. 'Big Yellow Taxi' is up there with 'Love Shack' on my list of songs that makes me want to kill someone! Counting Crows tried their best to make it acceptable but that good work was totally undone by Janet Jackson's terrible sample a few years later. So when Warlock gave her album 'Blue' a great write up I sat up and took notice. Generally, Warlock and I read from a similar book when it comes to music. I like to consider myself open to suggestions so I read on with interest. At the end of the blog, I come to the conclusion that this could well be another album that I need to acquire - after all you can never have too many CD's filed under 'M'!

So imagine my excitement when Warlock texts last night. I'm already in a great mood as I'm off to see the amazing Fun Lovin' Criminals and his text makes it even better. "There's a massive sale on the net, CD's for £2.99 (we are both old school and still actually BUY CD's rather than download, freaky I know), do you trust me to get you £20 worth of stuff".

How can I resist an offer like this? "Go for it! I trust you" is my instant reply. So now I am the proud owner of Joni Mitchell's Blue and some other great stuff including Ian Brown, Nick Drake, Chris Farlowe, Kris Kristofferson and Miles Davis. Keep downloading your tunes people and I'll keep picking up bargains like this - it makes the perfect deal if you ask me!

And now I must sign off, I have a selection of new CD's to catalogue...

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