Saturday 27 March 2010

One Day...

Some people care and some people don't - that's the way of the world. Sometimes I think it would be nice to be one of those who don't care . It would make life a whole lot easier to be able to walk away from people and situations without a backwards glance. It would probably mean being less open to being hurt, upset, frustrated or angered. It would probably make life quieter and less complicated. It would probably mean less stress and worry.

But would I be living? And more importantly, would I be me? Probably not.

My life was pretty idyllic until I reached 21 and since then, I've had more than my fair share of ups and downs. There have been real low points in my life. Times when the outlook looked bleak. Times when I have felt unimaginably lonely and alone (two entirely different emotions believe me). There have been moments when I have wondered if it was ever going to get better. Feeling envious or jealous is not something that comes naturally to me, but I have occasionally looked at my friends more ordered and less traumatic lives and felt something mighty close to envy.

Despite this, I don't think I'd change my life. If the luxury of time travel were available I would have only one wish - to have my mum back (pre-cancer). I'm sure my life would have turned out somewhat different if she was still here. I'm sure I'd be more content, less stressed and less of a worrier. I'm sure my inability to settle would be less of an issue. I'd find it easier to open up to people without constantly fearing I would wake up one day and they'd be gone too. I'd probably find the wall I've spent years building oh so carefully around myself would be allowed to fall into dis-repair. But I'll never know.

And that's why I can't stop caring. It's what keeps me alive, what lets me know I still have a purpose and a reason, it's what gets me out of bed and facing the world. If you stop caring then surely you just give up. And that's not something I ever did even in my darkest hours...


If I could have you back for a day
I'd tell you I love you,
spend time, just us two,
shopping and laughing.
Ladies that lunch!

Enjoy time together
go to a show,
find time to chat
But a day's not enough - I want



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