Saturday 6 March 2010

No Distractions Please!

Today's blog is purely a work avoidance strategy!

In five short months I will be leaving London for good. The bright lights of the city will no longer be mine to call home. And boy do I have a lot to cram into those five months.

I'm generally away a lot at the weekends. The mileage on my car is obscenely high and if I could rack up tarmac miles in the same way as air miles I could have travelled around the world twice by now. So I have decided to spend as many weekends as possible down here while I still have the chance. There are so many things that I still haven't done in this great city and before I know it, July will be here and I'll be off in a flurry of bubble wrap and cardboard boxes. I have a list 'Ten Things to do Before Leaving London' and I am determined to get through (and write about) as many as possible.

But as well as exciting social events to organise, I also have to face the scary and mundane task of clearing my flat ready to be put on the market. This was the big plan for this weekend. I was going to do a complete cull on clothes and shoes before moving onto books and school stuff. The truly terrifying prospect of going through the 'stuff you keep in case it's useful' has also to be faced at some point.

You can probably see where this is going and it's not down the road marked success or achievement!

The clothes and shoes first:-
You'd think this would be easy; open cupboard, remove unwanted items, place in bag to recycle, close cupboard, repeat with drawers. Yes...the theory is perfect but the reality somewhat different. I don't know if this is a girl thing or if it's a me thing but I just can't open the cupboard and remove stuff. I have to take stuff out and think about it. Normally, I have to try the clothes on again (complete with shoes of course) before making the final decision. And even then I end up with different piles 1. definitely going, 2. maybe going, 3. must try on with jeans/skirt/trousers before making decision! 4. I'll add it to my fancy dress box!

So this is what really happened this afternoon:-
Open cupboard, look through clothes in bewilderment, sigh, put on kettle, open blog page, start writing!

In the words of Scarlett O'Hara "tomorrow is another day". And I better make sure the cull begins then!

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