Wednesday 31 March 2010

Ask an Expert!

I've just finished listening to another great radio show courtesy of my mate Tony Simpson and his colleagues down at I've mentioned them before, it's a show for people who love rallying. It's a show for people who love cars and most importantly it's a show hosted by people with the same love.

For the last few weeks, the set up has seen Tony and James in the studio and Colin Clark (aka Clarky) out on the road as a sort of Roving Reporter. Clarky has his own unique way of securing guests for interview, sometimes even resorting to grabbing passing personalities in the Rallying World and begging for a few minutes of their time whilst on air. But it never seems to fail (even if the restraining orders are to follow). Although I've never met him, his lovely Scottish accent always makes me picture a modern day William Wallace. But whereas Wallace wanted Freedom, Clarky just wants interviews!

And an interview he got tonight, with none other than Malcolm Wilson, in the 'Marvellous Marriott in Jordan'. Gold! The Jordan stage of the WRC is this weekend and the three favourites appear to be Loeb, Hirvonen and Solberg. For me although Loeb is undeniably a great driver (and lets face it girls pretty damn attractive) he has become the Schumacher of the Rallying world. Unlike Schumacher though, his driving is fun to watch and after his less than perfect run in Sweden, the top spot is still very much up for grabs. Which leaves Hirvonen and the charismatic and very likeable Solberg snapping at his heels. We wait with baited breath to see what happens in this stage.

Meanwhile, back in the studio, Tony and James were flying the flag for British Rallying and had secured interviews with the winner and two runners up from last weekend's Bulldog International Rally. If enthusiasm and charm have anything to do with it, Adam Gould will surely do well in future competitions. It's just a shame that securing sponsorship can be make or break for some of these young drivers.

But enough of my waffle. As I've said before, I love rallying. The noise, the buzz, the excitement, it has it all. But I can't possibly do justice to the races going on, my knowledge is just too hazy. So if you want to know who wins in Jordan or who's pipped for greatness amongst the British drivers, don't ask me. Turn to the experts - it's what they are there for. - go on you know you want to!

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