Thursday 11 March 2010

The Hospice

It's nine years almost to the day since my Mum was taken into Queenscourt Hospice for the last stage in her battle against Breast Cancer.

Frantic family phone calls were made - one to my brother in Australia and one to me down in London. At the time, there seemed to be little hope that mum would still be alive when I got there never mind my brother who had to face an awful 24 hour flight with no phone contact.

That phone call triggered the biggest adrenalin rush of my life- my heart and head became dis-connected. I don't recall my journey but I do know it was fast, very fast. When I arrived at the Hospice there had been some kind of mini-miracle. In true mum style, she had rallied. There was no way she was going without saying goodbye to her kids. And thankfully a day and a half later, my brother also made it to the bedside. But even then, mum wasn't content to just go - oh no, she had very definite ideas about what she still wanted to do.

And so for the next 6 weeks, the Hospice became a second home to us. The staff were unfailingly kind, welcoming, patient and understanding. No question or request was too much trouble. And they always answered honestly. They had no idea why mum had rallied or even how long it would last, they just urged us to enjoy it while we could and who were we to argue with that?

Despite the wonderful level of care, mum was still fighting a losing battle and on April 27th at 5.30am she finally gave up the fight. And once again the Hospice were there to help us through those first few hours when everything in your world splits, breaks and falls apart.

For the last 6 years, I have done my best to give a little bit back to the place that made such a difference to mum's last few weeks. It is also the place where my Grandma spent her last week. In fact, she died in the same bed as my mum. I want to make sure that bed is in the best possible condition just in case my name ends up on it one day as well!

And so I've given a little bit back by organising charity fund raisers. They've all had different themes and have been held in various places. But the common link has always been to raise as much money as possible for a place that is priceless. The next event is Saturday 17th April, the theme is Ascot and all are welcome. But if you can't come and would love to show your support in another way please visit the page

Your donation could help another family to receive the care and support that mine did and that's something you just can't put a price on!

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