Wednesday 31 March 2010

One More Sleep

There are hundreds of things I should be doing or could be doing but once more I find myself plugged into the laptop tapping keys and somehow making coherent sentences. Believe me that is a real achievement at the moment.

In real Infant Teacher Speak, we have just 'one sleep left' til the holidays! As of 2pm tomorrow Miss Sunshine will be locked away in the cupboard and Jude allowed out to play. It's been a long time coming...

But as much as I'm looking forward to a lie in and skating by the beach every day, the holidays are also tinged with a bit of sadness. In just 3 months I will be spending my last working day at a school were I have been incredibly happy. I know that last day will be tough - tissues will be soggy, eyes red and noses runny and that's just the staff! The last four years have been amazing! The staff are not just colleagues. It really is like being part of an extended family. Everyone who visits our school comments on how warm and welcoming it is. I knew as soon as I walked through the door that I wanted to work there and that instinct was spot on.

I'm excited about moving back up north. I'm looking forward to the fresh air, the space, the pace of life being calmer. I can't wait to skate by the beach every day for as long as I can. I long for the chance to live in a house with my own drive, own front door and my own garden - a one bed flat with communal garden area just doesn't have the same appeal. But despite this I know I will struggle to find a work place that is so right for me. I wish I could pack up the school and bring it with me in a cardboard box marked 'Work Stuff'.

So instead of wishing the weeks away like most teachers normally do, I'm going to relish every moment. Every assembly, every story I read to the children, every picture they draw for me will now become even more treasured. Sometimes you have to leave somewhere to really appreciate it but at least that's not the case. I already know my school really is the best!

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