Monday 24 May 2010

Nanny Liverpool

Today would have been my Nan's birthday. If she was still with us, she would have been 96!! As it happens she made it to the grand old age of 94!!

My Nan was a real character. She was a fiercely proud Liverpudlian - NOT Scouse (the only Scouse she ever named was her famous stew). She was full of fun and energy. She was hilariously funny with the most infectious laugh. Although to be fair her humour was often very unintentional but she joined in with us as we laughed at her as well as with her! And God help you if she got a fit of the giggles because you would succumb too - no matter where you where.

I have so many wonderful memories of my 'Nanny Liverpool'. In many ways she was a typical Gemini. Sometimes, she was as easy to read as a book yet at other times, the still waters ran deeper than the ocean. She flipped from happy to low in the blink of an eye. She flitted from conversation topic to conversation topic and believe me, keeping up could be exhausting. She was incredibly protective of her loved ones and loved her children and grandchildren dearly.

Of all the memories to choose from, the one that stands out for me is her 90th birthday party. My nan was a dancer. After my Grandad Lennon died (before I was even born) she joined a Modern Sequence club and never looked back. She went on holidays with them, she went on cruises with them, she went on days out with them. Dancing was very important to her (it's where I get it from).

And I truly believe it's one of the reasons she stayed so young at heart. If there was a party or night out, Nan would be the last to leave. And her 90th was no exception. Having rounded up her dancing pals, family and friends she hired out a local venue and proceeded to have a ball.

The events kicked off at 4pm with the Compere from her Dance club taking to the mic. Witness a room full of gleaming white heads, twirling and swirling in perfect time and rhythm. I can see why my Nan thought that youngsters can't dance. In comparison to that we look like gangly, new born calves. Anyway, back to the evening. Not content with an afternoon dance, my Nan had also booked a DJ for the evening proceedings. These continued until 11pm with Nan on the dance floor for most of that time. She put us youngies to shame!

Nan often spoke of that night as a real highlight for her. Unfortunately, not long after that, her age started to catch up with her. But I will always hold those memories dearly. As a snapshot of my Nan and her attitude to everything in life it was the perfect portrait.

When Nan finally decided she'd enjoyed the party on earth for long enough I wrote a few words for her funeral. My Nan's side of the family are not huge fans of poetry unless it rhymes, so the ditty I wrote does just that. It probably sounds a little bit twee to outsiders but to those of us in the Lennon clan it says it all.

Nanny Liverpool

Our dancing Nan
So full of fun.
Always laughing;
never glum

Cream cakes and biscuits,
an ice cream or three.
Whisky and water,
'a good cup of tea'

Laughter and giggles,
dancing all night.
She may have been tiny
but she made up for that!

These are our memories
the ones we will keep
Of a lady who loved life
and who's now at peace

Wherever my Nan has ended up now, I am certain she is sipping a scotch and water before taking to the dancefloor with her beloved Jim (my Grandad Lennon). Now that really would be her idea of heaven!

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