Thursday 13 May 2010

'And the sign on the door said long haired freaky people need not apply'

I had all kinds of great plans for this evening.

I was going to have a long, relaxing bubble bath. I am the expert at these and have to get several things sorted in order to maximise the relaxation experience.

1. The music is carefully selected with chilling out firmly in mind. I generally find that Air, Carole King, Zero 7, Fleet Foxes, Joni Mitchell or Beth Rowley do the trick.

2. The bubbles are added to the hot water which is left to run whilst I put the kettle on.

3. Make a cup of tea

4. Find book of the moment (I've normally put it down in some random place as I tend to read on the move as well as sitting or lying down)

5. Take tea and book to bathroom and sink into bubbles.

6. Remain here til wrinkly!

It's quite simple really. And that was my plan for the evening. Followed by a mammoth blogging session, a bit of poetry writing, and catching up on phone calls.


As you may have worked out, things didn't go to plan!

Last March our school underwent the horrors of OFSTED. Basically put, inspectors come around and do their best to demoralise you and make you feel useless. Luckily, our school did incredibly well - outstanding in fact. Since then we have been waiting for the RE inspectors to pay their little visit too (I work in a Catholic school despite being non-Catholic).

So guess when the call came in to announce their little visit? Yes, that's right, today! They are coming Wednesday. Brilliant! So instead of my lovely, soothing bath, I've spent the evening reading books, sorting assessments, choosing children's work to put before them and trying to get my head around the feast of Pentecost which I will have to teach in front of the Inspectors. If I was religious, I'd be down on my knees begging for deliverance. But instead this Hippy, Pagan will have to rely on good luck.

I think I'd better just go and say a prayer to the God of Lost Causes!

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