Sunday 4 April 2010

I am the Music Man

I wish I could play an instrument!

Back at secondary school, I played the cornet in the school band. I was never what you'd call brilliant but I did enjoy it. These days, I think I'd struggle to get a single note out of an instrument that I used to play every week (and even on occasion in tune and on time!)

However, the yearning to go back to my cornet playing days isn't strong. What I'd really like to do, have always wanted to do, is play the piano. It's ridiculous really, we had a piano in our house as I grew up. It's a huge, ancient black thing from the days of Queen Victoria's mourning when the whole country had to adopt black as the national colour. It is not what you'd call a pretty instrument, it's too fancy and the candelabra are just a touch too far. Really, it would be ideal for a funeral parlour. But at least it is a piano.

Piano lessons were one of those things that our parents would have got for us but spare cash would only allow for two hobbies/after school activities each. That meant swimming for both of us and ballet for me while my brother went to Judo. And neither of us regret those choices. My ballet classes gave me a love of dance that has remained with me to this day. I have dabbled in various dance forms over the years including flamenco, salsa, ballroom and belly dancing. All of them different, all of them enjoyable.

Now as a fully fledged grown up, I hope to embark upon some piano lessons once I have re-located back up north. I long to be able to sit down and lose myself in playing. I would love to be able to play some of the songs that have shaped me over the years. In fact, let's be honest, at the moment, I would love to be able to play anything rather than chopsticks!

So if you are a piano teacher in the Southport area, get in touch, I could well be your next pupil.

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