Sunday 25 April 2010

Busy Bee

I'm used to a life that's bursting with activities, events, plans and arrangements. It can be a little tiring at times but I just can't bring myself to waste my life by sitting in front of my telly. Don't get me wrong, occasionally I have a real craving for exactly that. When I feel that way, I refuse to answer the phone, I hunker down on the sofa and watch DVD's or Friends re-runs until I can take no more.

But lets return to my normal state of affairs - busy, busy, busy!

As mentioned in previous blogs, I'm leaving London at the end of July. This has prompted even more frenetic plans than usual. A few months ago, I vowed to pack in 'Ten Things to do Before Leaving London'. Of course, as always happens, life has gone into fast forward leaving me with just 3 short months to try to pack this all into.

It's not looking good I've got to be honest. This morning alone is a prime example of the difficulties ahead. By 11am I had managed to book myself out for the whole of June! Not one weekend available which now leaves me with 2 months to fit everything in! At this rate, my ten things to do will have to be one!

So, if I had to choose just one thing to do before leaving London, what would it be? That's a tough one...suggestions on a postcard please! And hopefully, if I get time, I may even fit it in!

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