Sunday 4 April 2010

Desert Island Discs, Books and Shoes

There are three things guaranteed to part me from my money quicker than a new tax initiative from the government: music, books and shoes!

Let's deal with the shoes first. I love them! At the last count, I had 100 pairs in different styles, colours, heights of heel etc. If that wasn't bad enough, they are all stored in special see through boxes on their own little shelves in colour groups. Yeah, I take sad to a whole new level. Why are women so obsessed with shoes? That's a discussion that could have a whole week of blogs devoted to it but in essence, shoes fit you no matter how many chocolate bars you consume. You may be having a 'fat' day, but those gorgeous 5 inch heels are still going to fit like a glove. And that is essentially, why so many women love them.

However, if I was stranded on a desert island and only allowed two luxuries the books and CD's would win! So let's move onto them...

Books are an integral part of my day and life. Currently, I have three books in various stages of being read. When I go out anywhere, there is always a good book and my writing journal tucked inside my bag. Many long and tedious hours in airports, ferry terminals and waiting rooms have been spent with a book. In fact I become so absorbed that I have to be careful not to miss my flight, boat or appointment.

I have a storage system for them too - they are grouped by genre, author and if possible in height order. I'm seriously wondering if I have a touch of OCD! There are books I read only once and then car boot, there are books I read a couple of times before exchanging with like minded friends and there are books that I will re-read and re-read until they need replacing.

The Twilight Saga falls firmly in the last category. If someone had told me two years ago that I would be enthralled by a tale of teenage romance involving Vampires and Werewolves I would have laughed - loudly and with scorn! Oh how the mighty fall. If for some bizarre reason, you have missed out on the world of Forks I urge you to delve in. They are written beautifully and are the most sensual and emotive books I've ever read. Stephanie Meyer has created a world we all want to live in and one that is described so well, that when you put the book down and return to this world, it seems somehow wrong. So that's my choice of books for the Desert Island sorted. If only I could arrange to be marooned on Ilse Esme my life would be complete!

And so to the music. I've written about music on numerous occasions on here so there's no need to tell you how important it is to me. My CD collection, you know, the one that is ordered alphabetically, grows on a weekly basis. Just yesterday found me in Quicksilver Music in Southport adding to the collection. Quicksilver Music is a little gem. It is a tiny shop around the back of the market that many people probably don't know is there. But let me urge you to seek it out. The man who owns it knows his stuff! He is devoted to finding great music and bringing it to the masses (well the discerning few who know where to find him). For a mere £14 I came away with David Bowie's Space Oddity (an album I have been meaning to acquire for so long it's embarrassing), Feist's The Reminder and Gomez's Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline.

Gomez are home grown talent. They went to the same Sixth Form College as me. I have been into their music from the beginning and have seen them live on several occasions. And yet it has taken me until yesterday to notice that one of the singers/guitarists Ben Ottewelle reminds me of John Martyn (vocally rather than lyrically). And that's the beauty of music, you discover something new every day!

As for my choice of Disc for Ilse Esme. That's a tough call, but if I'm allowed two and because I'm writing I say I am, it would have to be Air by Moon Safari and The White Album by the Beatles. I think!

So if you find a message in a bottle asking for help just send me some more books and another couple of CD's and I'll be good to go for another few months! And while you're at it, if there's space, some flip flops would be much appreciated too....

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