Tuesday 1 June 2010

Yin and Yang

What is going on with the weather??!!!

For the record, it's June 1st. Therefore, it is supposed to be summer! I think someone forget to tell the weather system.

Deciding what to wear is fraught. Especially for me. My clothes are currently split between London home and Southport home. And whichever location I happen to be in always seems to be the one with the winter clothes when it's 90 degrees or summer clothes when it's freezing!

When I drove up this weekend, I didn't even bring a coat. Mistake! Instead I am huddled up in jumpers, layers and a scratty old cardie that is fulfilling the role of jacket.

In just 7 weeks, I'll be leaving London for good. All my clothes will finally be in one place. As for the rest of my possessions - your guess is as good as mine! It all depends on how quickly I sell my flat and find a house up here. The prospect of packing up my furniture and putting it all in storage is not one I'm really looking forward to. And of course, the thought of moving all my CD's and having nowhere to keep them is stressing me out just a tad!

I have to be completely honest, my emotions are a bit of a loose cannon at the moment. I'm very excited about moving home. I can't wait to embark on the next part of my journey. I can't wait to spend more time with people who mean a lot to me up here. I can't wait to enjoy the changes that are going to happen to some of my friendships once the distance is no longer an issue. I can't wait to enjoy the sea air on a daily basis. I can't wait to enjoy a better quality of life.

But the other side of the coin also has to be considered. I'm dreading my last few weeks in school. Our school is amalgamating in September so by the end of July, St. Helen's Infants will no longer exist. Our wonderful headteacher also moves on this year after 8 years of dedicated hard work. He has done so much for the school and his presence will be sorely missed.

We are planning farewells and goodbyes and parties and celebrations. The feeling of family unity at my school is unique. We really do laugh, cry, share, celebrate and commiserate together. And my God will we all cry in those last few weeks!

It probably sounds ridiculous but I woke up in tears this morning after a vivid dream about my last day at this magical place. Unfortunately this dream is actually going to be real. I know I will find it hard to keep it together. Even now as I think about what it will be like to leave these wonderful people behind, I am welling up. Although I don't want my time at the school to end, part of me wishes that it was over with quickly. These people have touched my life and I know they will continue to do so (even from 250 miles away).

The Yin and Yang of life, the good and bad, the ups and downs. I know moving back up north is the right thing for me. I know that I'm ready to embrace my new life with enthusiasm but it won't stop me missing the old one too.

So if you see me with red eyes and runny nose, please don't ask me what the matter is unless you want to end up with a wet shoulder. Instead give me a tissue and leave me to cry for the people I will miss. Eventually the happy tears will take over and I'll be able to face my new life up here with a smile.

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