Sunday 16 January 2011

January Blues

When they were giving out exciting, fun filled, warm and enjoyable months January was the winner of the booby prize!

It is cold, dark, damp, grey, miserable and feels like the longest month ever! The months running up to Christmas are full of light, energy and festivals (everything from Bonfire Night to Diwali and Hanukkah and of courser Christmas). January is occasionally blessed with Chinese New Year but it's not a guarantee!

And lets be honest this January (for me anyway) has got off to a less than marvellous start. But I like to think that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. My God I must be as strong as the Hulk in that case!

So for the remaining couple of weeks of January I am going to do my best to make it as enjoyable, fun and colourful as possible. I draw the line at adding warm as weather control is beyond this little witch's capabilities....

Right then January 2011....let's see what you have to offer now. And it better be good!

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