Sunday 2 January 2011


New Year! A time to look back at all that has gone before and focus on what lies ahead.

It's fair to say that over the years I have had some truly great New Years. Others have been less than impressive and some have been downright nightmarish!!

This years falls somewhere between nightmare and less than impressive. Actually, if I'm honest, this New Year actually wins the award for top three least enjoyable.

Two weeks ago, I had everything I wanted, desired, dreamed of and needed. And now on the brink of a year that had promised to hold so much it is fast turning into the year that will bring sadness, hurt and heartache.

So hurrah for 2011. So far you have failed spectacularly to inspire me with either hope, joy or inspiration.

I can only hope, that once more through sheer effort of will, determination and support of my good friends it cann be turned around. It won't be due to lack of effort on my part.

Let's raise a glass to 2011, so far rubbish but hopefully with better things to come......

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