Monday 17 January 2011

Girl Friday

I have got itchy feet!

I was messaging a friend earlier and we were chatting about travelling. He asked me where was next on my wish list.

And so it began....

I want to go to India to experience the food, the madness, the craziness, the culture, the history and the excitement.

I want to go to Peru and fulfill my dream of walking the Inca Trail.

I want to go to Cuba before it is spoilt too much and before all the crazy and gorgeous vintage cars are shipped out and replaced by shiny new mercs.

I want to go to Brazil and Argentina and learn to tango. And the list goes on!

So far, I have a week in the South of France to look forward to in April. It will be lovely but it's a return to somewhere I've already been. And the excitement and slight nervousness that goes with arriving in a strange place will be missing.

It's fun to go new places and have no clue where anything is. I've rocked up to many places around the world with no accommodation and as long as you don't arrive there at 1am, finding somewhere to sleep has never been a problem. I like waking up in a new place, gathering the maps together and just heading out to see what is there. The most important thing to remember is your passport and Lonely Planet! With these two little things, the world is truly your oyster.

And so, I'm going to start planning a long haul trip. I'm going to start saving like mad. There's just a major dilemma to sort first....where to?

Answers on a post card please...all suggestions welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Japan!
    I'm a huge Japanese history geek, I want to visit all the Castles, and Battlefields, and Graves, and Temples, a dream come true!

    This is Mathew by the way, logging in proved too tiresome :P
