Monday 26 July 2010

Homeward Bound

So it's been a hectic week - no change there then!

Last Thursday saw me pack up my essentials (music, clothes and some shoes) and head home to Southport.

And now I'm back in the family home...for now! My dad is the epitome of chilled out in some things but in others Victor Meldrew looks calm! Plus, I have to be honest and say I'm probably not that easy to live with either. That's what happens when you get two independent people who are used to living by themselves with no rules or compromise required thrust back together under one roof. It's a scary mix.

I'm learning to be more patient and more understanding of his need to know what I will want for dinner before I've even consumed breakfast. And he in turn is becoming more tolerant of my bathroom products. The initial request for my bathroom stuff to be kept in my bedroom was met with such revulsion he hasn't attempted it since!

Moving back is a funny thing to have to do. Once you leave home, things are never the same again. The dynamics change. I first left home at 18 to head for the bright lights and overdraft facilities of University. And it was there that I learnt to stand on my own two feet for the first time. An immensely valuable lesson in life.

Like the proverbial boomerang, I've bounced back a few times over the years. But each time has been a temporary stop gap of no more than a few months. I really hope that trend continues this time.

I think it's tougher this time because on previous occasions, I've come back from shared accommodation. This means you already have some existing understanding of co-habiting with other human beings. This time, I've come from my own flat, having lived completely by myself for 5 years.

Five years of coming and going exactly as I please. Five years of choosing when to tidy up, do the hoovering, clean the bathroom etc. Five years of eating what and when I like and without having to decide before breakfast has even been thought of. Five years of a rather selfish, happy go lucky life. No wonder it's such a shock to the system.

Reading this, I probably sound like the ultimate spoilt, selfish diva. But I'm truly not. Instead I have become a creature of habit...just like my dad. And I'm sure he rolls his eyes and tuts under his breath at some of the things I do (or don't) as well.

Living back at home is challenging. But I know I'm very lucky. I can stay as long as I need, the rent is free and I know that no matter how much we may bicker there will always be a warm welcome for me.

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