Wednesday 14 July 2010

A Bitter Pill to Swallow

I feel a bit strange at the moment. Many people would (rightly) think - what's new?

In all seriousness, I am not quite sure how I feel.

At this time of year, all teachers are counting down to the summer break - six weeks of freedom. Six weeks of lie ins. Six weeks of having a real life. Six weeks of being a lady of leisure. And normally I would be firmly counting down with glee. Everyone is exhausted, tempers are fraying, energy levels at an all time low. The first lie in of the holidays is a blissful event that is highly anticipated.

However, this year I'm a bit at sixes and sevens. You see, by this time next week I will have left my current school - a place where I have been incredibly happy. There aren't really the words to explain what it has been like to work at St. Helen's. The team is like a tightly knit family and I was lucky enough to be allowed in to the family unit.

The following week will be made up of celebration events and goodbye assemblies. All emotionally charged, all full of happy memories, all full of cute kids doing cute things which are guaranteed to reduce all the staff to tears. I will be so sad to leave. I've said on several occasions, that I would love to move the school up north with me. Unfortunately, this isn't to be. The way of the world means change happens and sometimes you have to leave something wonderful to fulfill dreams in another place.

And so I am looking forward to the holidays. I can't wait to embrace my new life up north. But on the flip side of the coin, I'm dreading saying goodbye.

With heavy heart I will say goodbye to my friends, staff, children and parents at St. Helen's but with equally light heart I will say hello again to friends, family and improved lifestyle in Southport.

And at least I can pack up the memories and take them with me......

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