Thursday 25 August 2011

Happy Birthday to You

Mum would have been 66 today. Knowing her, she would have been having a few friends and family around to the house to enjoy one of her amazing spreads. There would have been an array of sandwiches, savouries, snacks, cheeses and puddings to devour. And it would all have been washed down by a stiff gin and lemonade.

It's hard to believe that it's now ten years since we lost her. The pain is no longer as raw and savage. The hurt has faded to a dull ache and one that doens't always make itself known on a daily basis. But it is there nontheless.

I shall be visiting the Crem this morning with one of mum's favourite books. I intend to sit in the sun (yes the yellow orb has decided to grace us with his presence) reading by her plaque. I will probably have a little chat too.

But of course, it's not the same as the daily contact, phone calls etc that you get from the living. I miss her dreadfully. And especially during the times when I need to make important decisions. Her advice was always sound; well thought out, practical, rational.

I need her advice now. I need her to reassure me that everything will be ok.

So Happy Birthday mum. I'll be enjoying a gin in your honour tonight. xx

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