Tuesday 17 August 2010

Chilled to the Max

I've just got back from the most relaxing week in the Dordogne. Way back in April, myself and 6 mates bid on a holiday home at the charity auction. And lucky us...won!

The holiday was all I desired. A week of chilling out, relaxing, good company, fab food and an enormous amount of incredibly good red wine.

It's been three years since my last proper holiday. I'm always off doing stuff at weekends but in terms of holiday it's been a definite dry spell. I can honestly, say, I've not been that chilled out for a long time.

Generally, I'm up with the lark. I find it impossible to lay in bed and get twitchy and fidgity once I've been awake for 20n mins. But for the first time in a LONG time (and I'm talking university here) I found myself able to sleep in beyond 8.00am. And then, having snarfed down some wonderful french bread for breakfast I would take myself off to the hammock and sleep for another hour. Wonderful stuff!

This break was just what I needed. And hopefully, it will be an annual event from now on.

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