Tuesday 24 August 2010

Times They Are a Changing

Well, even by my standards my life is galloping along and changing direction left, right and centre.

Having spent earlier blogs embracing and celebrating my singledom and freedom I am now embarking on a new adventure and moving in with my boyfriend. Seeing that written down makes it somewhat real.

What??!!! I can hear many of you cry. Boyfriend? What boyfriend? Yeah, yeah, me and my good friend Warlock finally decided back in May to stop being stooopid and just get on with being together as more than just friends. And mighty fine it is too.

And so, as of the end of this week, jealously guarded shoe, CD and book space will be shared. Luckily for me, he is just as particular about his books and CD's as I am. It's safe to say, there is going to be a LOT of A-Z ordering to sort out!

Although I'm really excited about the move and can't wait to get settled in our new pad I do have a couple of worries. For the last 5 years, I have lived completely and utterly alone. I have come and gone as I have wished. I have tidied and cleaned when it has suited me (and that didn't always co-inside with when it needed doing). I have eaten what I've liked, when I've liked. My flat has been open house to friends and family without needing to consult anyone else. Put bluntly, I have lived a very selfish, independent and single life.

And now, I will be sharing my space and lifestyle. I will need to remember that two of us live in the house and need to be consulted before inviting the world and his wife for dinner/drinks/holidays. I will need to check another person's diary and calendar before just agreeing to social events without a blink. I have to make sure that the pebble culture is equally represented (pebble culture = candles, nick nacks, Art work, posters etc).

But most of all I have to think....what happens if I am a nightmare to live with? What happens if I have turned into an OCD freak who flips if the milk is left out? Well at the very least, it will make an interesting blog!!

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Chilled to the Max

I've just got back from the most relaxing week in the Dordogne. Way back in April, myself and 6 mates bid on a holiday home at the charity auction. And lucky us...won!

The holiday was all I desired. A week of chilling out, relaxing, good company, fab food and an enormous amount of incredibly good red wine.

It's been three years since my last proper holiday. I'm always off doing stuff at weekends but in terms of holiday it's been a definite dry spell. I can honestly, say, I've not been that chilled out for a long time.

Generally, I'm up with the lark. I find it impossible to lay in bed and get twitchy and fidgity once I've been awake for 20n mins. But for the first time in a LONG time (and I'm talking university here) I found myself able to sleep in beyond 8.00am. And then, having snarfed down some wonderful french bread for breakfast I would take myself off to the hammock and sleep for another hour. Wonderful stuff!

This break was just what I needed. And hopefully, it will be an annual event from now on.