Thursday 24 May 2012

Crossing Paths

How strange, I haven't posted for months and months. In fact I had even forgotten the name of my blog! Whilst fiddling around on facebook and editing my profile I clicked on my blog link and here we are. Interestingly the second to last blog was about having to set a musician free. The end of a beautiful relationship that had had so much potential. I was bemoaning the single life once more. Lamenting my tendency to be drawn to creative types who aren't always the easiest people to maintain relationships with. All in all I was a bit low. Fast forward to now and how things have changed. My lovely, kind, funny, sexy, caring and creative musician type crossed my path again. Ok if we're really honest, crossed my path is a bit vague. After a couple of weeks of maintaining friendship it became clear to both of us that more was required. So here we are 9 months later happy, content, having fun, enjoying the moment and living together. I've moved into his place so he can still have his 'Man Empire' (creative, music studio, computer, type room) and it's all fine and dandy. I have even been allowed to put a couple of things in the 'Man Empire' of my own. Although it has to be said, this is HEAVILY monitored!!! So there you go, the first blog in ages. And it may be the last for a while and for that you'll have to forgive me. I can only plead guilty but you see your honour, I have to get back to my daily laughter. Happiness really is the simple things in life :-) Peace and love to everyone