Saturday 4 September 2010

So Far, So Splendid....

Having spent the best part of a week moving furniture from one end of the country to the other and packing up the contents of our creative and imaginative lives, Warlock and I have finally moved in to the new house.

In true Music lover style, the CD's are already arranged A-Z and the stereo has pride of place. Our sitting room is looking mighty fine if I do say so myself. Anyone walking in to discover 'who would live in a house like this?' would have no trouble identifying two music fanatics! As well as the CD collection and stereo, we have enough Music inspired Art work to open a gallery and charge people to look around.

So imagine my horror when I returned last night to find that someone had tampered with some of my CD's, Bob Dylan had become mixed up with Beth Rowley! How had this happened.

The cricket lads were round and previously, they have thought I'm a pretty laid back kind of girl. The Jekyll and Hyde moment was about to convince them otherwise...

"Who has been messing with my CD's?" I announced in a voice that Daddy Bear could only have dreamt of.

Three guilty faces looked back at me, three slightly worse for wear men were reduced to little boy status, three grown men were united in pointing the finger of guilt at the member of the party who had already left! We'll be having words next time he pops round.....

Sensing the level of stress, my lovely other half quickly handed me a glass of red and the evening was saved from utter ruin - but only just!!!